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Helper function to transform an array of GeoJSON Features into binary typed arrays. This is designed to speed up geospatial loaders by removing the need for serialization and deserialization of data transferred by the worker back to the main process.


import {load} from '';
import {JSONLoader} from '';
import {geojsonToBinary} from '';

const geoJSONfeatures = await load('data.geojson', JSONLoader);

// See table below for full list of options
const options = {PositionDataType: Float32Array};
const binaryFeatures = geojsonToBinary(geoJSONfeatures, options);


geojsonToBinary returns an object containing typed arrays sorted by geometry type. positions is a flat array of coordinates; globalFeatureIds references indices in the original features array; featureIds references feature indices of the same geometry type; numericProps contains TypedArrays generated from numeric feature properties; properties is an array of non-numeric property objects of the given geometry type.

Each TypedArray is wrapped inside an accessor object, where .value contains the raw numeric data, and .size gives the number of values per vertex. For example,

positions: {value: Float32Array, size: 3}

corresponds to 3D coordinates, where each vertex is defined by three numbers.

points: {
// Array of x, y or x, y, z positions
positions: {value: PositionDataType, size: 3},
// Array of original feature indexes by vertex
globalFeatureIds: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Array of Point feature indexes by vertex
featureIds: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Object with accessor objects for numeric properties
// Numeric properties are sized to have one value per vertex
numericProps: {
numericProperty1: {value: Float32Array | Float64Array, size: 1}
// Array of objects with non-numeric properties from Point geometries
properties: [{PointFeatureProperties}],
// Non-standard top-level fields
fields?: [{
// Feature ids of source data (if present)
id?: string | number
lines: {
// Array of x, y or x, y, z positions
positions: {value: PositionDataType, size: 3},
// Indices within positions of the start of each individual LineString
pathIndices: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Array of original feature indexes by vertex
globalFeatureIds: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Array of LineString feature indexes by vertex
featureIds: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Object with accessor objects for numeric properties
// Numeric properties are sized to have one value per vertex
numericProps: {
numericProperty1: {value: Float32Array | Float64Array, size: 1}
// Array of objects with non-numeric properties from LineString geometries
properties: [{LineStringFeatureProperties}],
// Non-standard top-level fields
fields?: [{
// Feature ids of source data (if present)
id?: string | number
polygons: {
// Array of x, y or x, y, z positions
positions: {value: PositionDataType, size: 3},
// Indices within positions of the start of each complex Polygon
polygonIndices: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Indices within positions of the start of each primitive Polygon/ring
primitivePolygonIndices: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Triangle indices. Allows to skip performing costly triangulation on main thread. Not present if `options.triangulate` is `false`
triangles?: {value: Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Array of original feature indexes by vertex
globalFeatureIds: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Array of Polygon feature indexes by vertex
featureIds: {value: Uint16Array | Uint32Array, size: 1},
// Object with accessor objects for numeric properties
// Numeric properties are sized to have one value per vertex
numericProps: {
numericProperty1: {value: Float32Array | Float64Array, size: 1}
// Array of objects with non-numeric properties from Polygon geometries
properties: [{PolygonFeatureProperties}],
// Non-standard top-level fields
fields?: [{
// Feature ids of source data (if present)
id?: string | number


fixRingWindingBooleantrueWhether to fix incorrect ring winding for polygons. Valid GeoJSON polygons have the outer ring coordinates in CCW order and with holes in CW order
numericPropKeysArrayDerived from dataNames of feature properties that should be converted to numeric TypedArrays. Passing [] will force all properties to be returned as normal objects.
PositionDataTypeclassFloat32ArrayData type used for positions arrays.
triangulateBooleantrueWhether polygons are broken into triangles as part of the conversion (generally required for GPU rendering)


In the case of the source geoJson features having an object as a property, it would not be deep cloned, so it would be linked from the output object (be careful on further mutations).

Triangulation of polygons can be time consuming. If not needed, set the triangulate option to false.