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Creating New Loaders and Writers

See the a detailed specification of the loader object format API reference.


Applications can also create new loader objects. E.g. if you have existing JavaScript parsing functionality that you would like to use with the core utility functions.

Creating a Loader Object

You would give a name to the loader object, define what file extension(s) it uses, and define a parser function.

export default {
name: 'JSON',
extensions: ['json'],
testText: null,
parse: async (arrayBuffer) => await JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer),
parseTextSync: JSON.parse
nameStringRequiredShort name of the loader ('OBJ', 'PLY' etc)
extensionStringRequiredThree letter (typically) extension used by files of this format
testTextFunctionnullGuesses if a file is of this format by examining the first characters in the file

A loader must define a parser function for the format, a function that takes the loaded data and converts it into a parsed object.

Depending on how the underlying loader works (whether it is synchronous or asynchronous and whether it expects text or binary data), the loader object can expose the parser in a couple of different ways, specified by provided one of the parser function fields.

Dependency Management

In general, it is recommended that loaders are "standalone" and avoid importing provides a small set of shared loader utilities.

Creating Composite Loaders enables loaders to call other loaders (referred to as "sub-loaders" in this section). This enables loaders for "composite formats" to be "composed" out of loaders for the primitive parts. For more information see Composite Loaders.

Accessing the Response object

Loaders will often use the fetch API to retrieve data. In most cases, a loader will only be concerned with the data payload, but in some cases it may be desirable to access the underlying Response object, available on the context parameter.

An example of accessing a HTTP header.

export async function parseWithHeader(arrayBuffer, options, context) {
const {parse, response} = context;
const contentLength = response.headers.get('content-length');
const data = await parse(arrayBuffer, JSONLoader);