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Geospatial Loaders

The Geospatial category is experimental

Several geospatial formats return data in the form of lists of lng/lat encoded geometric objects.

Geospatial Category Loaders

GPXLoaderLayersFeatureCollectionattributes objectparsed XML
KMLLoaderLayersFeatureCollectionattributes objectparsed XML
TCXLoaderFeatureCollectionattributes objectparsed XML
ShapefileLoaderFeatureCollectionattributes object-
SHPLoaderFeatureCollectionattributes object-only geometries
WKBLoaderSinglea single geojson geometry (not feature)--only geometry
WKTLoaderSinglea single geojson geometry (not feature)--only geometry

Data Format

For geospatial formats that contain a single layer:

  • category: string - gis
  • schema?: Schema - Apache Arrow style schema
  • data: * - Data is formatted according to options.gis.format
  • format: string - The encoding of data layers, corresponds to options.gis.format.
  • loaderMetadata?: object - Loader specific metadata, see documentation for each loader

For geospatial loaders that contain multiple layers:

  • category: string - gis-layers
  • layers: A map of layers keyed by layer names. Each layer is formatted according to options.gis.format
  • loaderMetadata?: object - Top-level loader specific metadata, see documentation for each loader

For geospatial loaders that contain a single geometry:

  • category: string - gis-geometry
  • schema?: Schema - Apache Arrow style schema
  • data: * - Data is formatted according to options.gis.format
  • format: string - The encoding of data layers, corresponds to options.gis.format.

Data Structure



A JavaScript object with a number of top-level array-valued fields:

pointsA GeoJson FeatureCollection.
linesA GeoJson FeatureCollection.
polygonsA GeoJson FeatureCollection.


GeoJSON Conversion

Geospatial category data can be converted to GeoJSON (sometimes with a loss of information). Most geospatial applications can consume geojson.