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A loader for loading an Indexed 3d Scene (I3S) layer, and its geometries and textures data.

File FormatI3S Layer
File TypeJson, Binary
File Extension.json (layer), .bin (geometries)
File Formati3s
Data FormatData formats
Supported APIsload, parse

I3S Layer type support

Layer TypeSupportedI3S Spec Link
Integrated Mesh
Building Scene Layer🚧 experimental

I3S Aspects support

AspectSupportedI3S Spec Link
Node pages
Compressed attributes
PBR materials
Feature attributes
Texture Atlas

Texture formats

I3S textures specification -

.dds with DXT1 (no alpha)
.dds with DXT5 (alpha channel)
ktx-etc2🚧 not tested
Basis Universal Texture format in Khronos KTX2


The terms and concepts used in i3s module have the corresponding parts I3S Spec.

  • tileset: I3S Indexed 3D Layer File.
  • tile: I3S node file.
  • tileContent: I3S node content: geometries, textures, etc.


As an I3S tileset contains multiple file formats, I3SLoader is needed to be explicitly specified when using load function.

Load I3S tileset and render with

A simple react app uses I3SLoader to load San Francisco Buildings, render with's Tile3Dlayer and dynamically load/unload tiles based on current viewport and adjust the level of details when zooming in and out.

Example Codepen

import React, {Component} from 'react';

import {StaticMap} from 'react-map-gl';
import DeckGL from '';
import {MapController} from '';
import {Tile3DLayer} from '';
import {I3SLoader} from '';

// How to get mapbox token
const MAPBOX_TOKEN = ''; // add your Mapbox token here

longitude: -120,
latitude: 34,
height: 600,
width: 800,
pitch: 45,
maxPitch: 85,
bearing: 0,
minZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 30,
zoom: 14.5

export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {viewState: INITIAL_VIEW_STATE};

_onTilesetLoad(tileset) {
// update viewport to the tileset center
const {zoom, cartographicCenter} = tileset;
const [longitude, latitude] = cartographicCenter;

const viewState = {
zoom: zoom + 2.5,


render() {
const {viewState} = this.state;

// construct Tile3DLayer to render I3S tileset
const layer = new Tile3DLayer({
id: 'tile-3d-layer',
// Tileset entry point: Indexed 3D layer file url
data: '',
loader: I3SLoader,
onTilesetLoad: this._onTilesetLoad.bind(this)

return (
controller={{type: MapController}}
onViewStateChange={({viewState}) => {
// update viewState when interacting with map

A more complex example can be found here, checkout website example.

Basic API Usage

Basic API usage is illustrated in the following snippet. Create a Tileset3D instance, point it a valid tileset URL, set up callbacks, and keep feeding in new camera positions:

import {load} from '';
import {I3SLoader} from '';
import {Tileset3D} from '';
import {WebMercatorViewport} from '';

const tileseturl =

const tileset = await load(tileseturl, I3SLoader);

const tileset3d = new Tileset3D(tilesetJson, {
onTileLoad: tile => console.log(tile)

// initial viewport
// viewport should be WebMercatorViewport instance
const viewport = new WebMercatorViewport({latitude, longitude, zoom, ...})

// Viewport changes (pan zoom etc)

// Visible tiles
const visibleTiles = tileset3d.tiles.filter(tile => tile.selected);

// Note that visibleTiles will likely not immediately include all tiles
// tiles will keep loading and file `onTileLoad` callbacks


options.i3s.isTilesetBool or autoautoWhether to load Tileset (Layer 3D Index) file. If auto, will decide if follow ArcGIS tile layers' url convention
options.i3s.isTileHeaderBool or autoautoWhether to load TileHeader(node) file. If auto, will decide if follow argis url convention
options.i3s.loadContentBooltrueWhether to load tile content (geometries, texture, etc.). Note: I3S dataset, each tile node has separate urls pointing to tile metadata and its actual tile payload. If loadContent is true, i3s loader will make a request to fetch the content fiile and decoded to the format as specified in Tile Object.
options.i3s.tokenstringnullAuthorization token for the layer
options.i3s.tilesetObjectnullTileset object loaded by I3SLoader or follow the data format specified in Tileset Object. It is required when loading i3s geometry content
options.i3s.tileObjectnullTile object loaded by I3SLoader or follow the data format Tile Object. It is required when loading i3s geometry content
options.i3s.useDracoGeometryBooltrueUse 'Draco' compressed geometry to show if applicable
options.i3s.useCompressedTexturesBooltrueUse "Compressed textures" ( or _.ktx) if available and supported by GPU
options.i3s.decodeTexturesBooltrueDecode texture image to ImageBitmap or compressed texture object (if supported by GPU)

Data formats

Loaded data conforms to the 3D Tiles loader category specification with the following exceptions.

Tileset Object

The following fields are guaranteed. Additionally, the loaded tileset object will contain all the data fetched from the provided url.

typeStringValue is i3s. Indicates the returned object is an i3s tileset.
lodMetricTypeStringRoot's level of detail (LoD) metric type, which is used to decide if a tile is sufficient for current viewport. Only support maxScreenThreshold for now. Check I3S lodSelection for more details.
lodMetricValueNumberRoot's level of detail (LoD) metric value.

Tile Object

The following fields are guaranteed. Additionally, the loaded tile object will contain all the data fetched from the provided url.

idStringIdentifier of the tile, unique in a tileset
refineStringRefinement type of the tile, currently only support REPLACE
typeStringType of the tile, value is mesh (currently only support I3S MeshPyramids
urlStringThe url of this tile.
contentUrlStringThe url of this tile.
featureUrlStringThe url of this tile.
textureUrlStringThe url of this tile.
boundingVolumeObjectA bounding volume in Cartesian coordinates converted from i3s node's mbs that encloses a tile or its content. Exactly one box, region, or sphere property is required.
lodMetricTypeStringLevel of Detail (LoD) metric type, which is used to decide if a tile is sufficient for current viewport. Only support maxScreenThreshold for now. Check I3S lodSelection for more details.
lodMetricValueStringLevel of Detail (LoD) metric value.
contentStringThe actual payload of the tile or the url point to the actual payload. If option.loadContent is enabled, content will be populated with the loaded value following the Tile Content section

Tile Content

After content is loaded, the following fields are guaranteed. But different tiles may have different extra content fields.

cartesianOriginNumber[3]"Center" of tile geometry in WGS84 fixed frame coordinates
cartographicOriginNumber[3]"Origin" in lng/lat (center of tile's bounding volume)
modelMatrixNumber[16]Transforms tile geometry positions to fixed frame coordinates
vertexCountNumberTransforms tile geometry positions to fixed frame coordinates
attributesObjectEach attribute follows accessor properties
textureObjectLoaded texture by
featureDataObjectLoaded feature data for parsing the geometies (Will be deprecated in 2.x)

attributes contains following fields

attributes.positionsObject{value, type, size, normalized}
attributes.normalsObject{value, type, size, normalized}
attributes.colorsObject{value, type, size, normalized}
attributes.texCoordsObject{value, type, size, normalized}