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GIFBuilder 🚧


This GIFBuilder is experimental and may change significantly in minor releases and ev en patch releases. Pin down your version if you wish to use it.

The GIFBuilder class creates a base64 encoded GIF image from either:

  • a series of images
  • a series of image URLs
  • a video URL
  • or by capturing the webcam.

The GIFBuilder only works in the browser, and many features are experimental.


Build a GIF from images

import {load} from '';
import {ImageLoader} from '';
import {GIFBuilder} from '';

const gifBuilder = new GIFBuilder({source: 'images', width: 400, height: 400});
await load('', ImageLoader, {images: {type: 'image'}})
await load('', ImageLoader, {images: {type: 'image'}})
await load('', ImageLoader, {images: {type: 'image'}})

Build a GIF from image URLs (Experimental)

import {GIFBuilder} from '';

const gifBuilder = new GIFBuilder({source: 'images', width: 400, height: 400});

Build a GIF from image URLs, with frame-specific Text (Experimental)

import {GIFBuilder} from '';

const gifBuilder = new GIFBuilder({source: 'images', width: 400, height: 400});
gifBuilder.add({src: '', text: 'First image text'});
gifBuilder.add({src: '', text: 'Second image text'});
gifBuilder.add({src: '', text: 'This image text'});;

Build a GIF from the webcam (Experimental)

import {GIFBuilder} from '';
const gifBuilder = new GIFBuilder({source: webcam, width: 400, height: 400});;


constructor(options: object)​

Creates a new GIFBuilder instance.

options See the Options section below.

add(file: Image | string | object)​

  • images -- Image objects can be added.(Note: ImageBitmap is not currently supported).

Experimentally, tha following types can currently be added (may be removed in upcoming release)

Also note that a mix of types is not supported. All added elements must be of the same type (images, image URLs, video URLs).

build(): string​

The build method will actually build the GIF. It returns a base 64 encoded GIF.

Note: After calling build() this builder instance is not intended to be used further. Create new GLTBuilder instances to build additional GIFs.


| Option | Type | Default | Description | | ---------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | source | string | 'images' | Either 'images', 'video' or 'webcam' | | width | number | 200 | Desired width of the generated GIF image | | height | number | 200 | Desired height of the generated GIF image | | crossOrigin | string | CORS attribute for requesting image or video URLs. 'Anonymous' | 'Anonymous', 'use-credentials', or '' (to not set). | | QUALITY SETTINGS | | | | sampleInterval | | 10 | pixels to skip when creating the palette. Default is 10. Less is better, but slower. | | numWorkers | | 2 | | how many web workers to use to process the animated GIF frames. Default is 2. | | interval | | 0.1 | The amount of time (in seconds) to wait between each frame capture | | offset | | null | | The amount of time (in seconds) to start capturing the GIF (only for HTML5 videos) | | numFrames | | 10 | | The number of frames to use to create the animated GIF. Each frame is captured every 100 milliseconds of a video and every ms for existing images | | frameDuration | | 1 | | The amount of time (10 = 1s) to stay on each frame |


  • By adjusting the sample interval, you can either produce extremely high-quality images slowly, or produce good images in reasonable times. With a sampleInterval of 1, the entire image is used in the learning phase, while with an interval of 10, a pseudo-random subset of 1/10 of the pixels are used in the learning phase. A sampling factor of 10 gives a substantial speed-up, with a small quality penalty.

Experimental Options​

These options are forwarded directly to the underlying gifshot module. They are not officially supported by, but can still be useful. In case things are unclear it is recommended to search the documentation and issues in that module.

when the current image is completed
filter`'', // CSS filter that will be applied to the image (eg. blur(5px))
waterMarknullIf an image is given here, it will be stamped on top of the GIF frames
waterMarkHeightnull,// Height of the waterMark
waterMarkWidthnullHeight of the waterMark
waterMarkXCoordinate1The X (horizontal) Coordinate of the watermark image
waterMarkYCoordinate1The Y (vertical) Coordinate of the watermark image

| TEXT OPTIONS | text | '', // The text that covers the animated GIF | |showFrameText|true | If frame-specific text is supplied with the image array, you can force the |frame-specific text to not be displayed by making this option 'false'. | fontWeight | 'normal' | The font weight of the text that covers the animated GIF | |fontSize|'16px' | The font size of the text that covers the animated GIF | | minFontSize | '10px' | The minimum font size of the text that covers the animated GIF (Note | This |option is only applied if the text being applied is cut off) |resizeFont|false | Whether or not the animated GIF text will be resized to fit within the GIF |container | fontFamily | 'sans-serif' | The font family of the text that covers the animated GIF | |fontColor|'#ffffff' | The font color of the text that covers the animated GIF | | textAlign | 'center' | The horizontal text alignment of the text that covers the animated GIF | |textBaseline|'bottom' | The vertical text alignment of the text that covers the animated GIF | | textXCoordinate | null | The X (horizontal) Coordinate of the text that covers the animated GIF (only |use this if the default textAlign and textBaseline options don't work for you) |textYCoordinate|null | The Y (vertical) Coordinate of the text that covers the animated GIF (only |use this if the default textAlign and textBaseline options don't work for you)


  • Make sure these image resources are CORS enabled to prevent any cross-origin JavaScript errors
  • You may also pass a NodeList of existing image elements on the page


GIFBuilder is based on Yahoo's awesome gifshot module, and is MIT licensed.