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loadInBatches(url: string | File | ... , loaders: Loader, options?: LoaderOptions]): Promise<AsyncIrerator<unknown>>
loadInBatches(url: string | File | ... , loaders: Loader[], options?: LoaderOptions]): Promise<AsyncIrerator<unknown>>
loadInBatches(files: (string | File | ...)[] | FileList, loaders: Loader, options?: LoaderOptions]): Promise<AsyncIterator<unknown>>
loadInBatches(files: (string | File | ...)[] | FileList, loaders: Loader[], options?: LoaderOptions]): Promise<AsyncIterator<unknown>>

loadInBatches opens a url as a stream and passes it and options to parseInBatches. See the documentation of load and parseInBatches for more details.

Starting with Website, loadInBatches can also load and parse multiple files from a list of File objects or urls.

In this mode, it iterates over the supplied files, looking for valid loader matches, ignores files that do not match a loader and calls parseInBatches on each valid file/loader combination, returning an array of async batch iterators.

More importantly, when called with multiple files, loadInBatches makes all the supplied files avialable to all loaders (enabling multi-file loaders such as the ShapefileLoader to access multiple files).


const iteratorPromises = await loadInBatches([file1, file2], OBJLoader);
for await (const iterator of iteratorPromises) {
for await (const batch of iterator) {
// Just the one batch...
t.equal(batch.mode, 4, 'mode is TRIANGLES (4)');
import {fetchFile, parseFilesInBatches} from '';
import {ShapefileLoader} from '';

const batchIterators = await loadFilesInBatches([shpFile, dbfFile, projFile], ShapefileLoader));
for (const batchIterator of batchIterators) {
// `batchIterator` represents the the output of `parseInBatches` on one of the files
for await (const batch of batchIterator) {
switch (batch.batchType) {
case 'metadata':

Loads data in batches from a stream, releasing each batch to the application while the stream is still being read.

Parses data with the selected loader object. An array of loaders can be provided, in which case an attempt will be made to autodetect which loader is appropriate for the file (using url extension and header matching).

  • files: loaded data or an object that allows data to be loaded. Plese refer to the table below for valid types.
  • loaders: can be a single loader or an array of loaders. If ommitted, will use the list of registered loaders (see registerLoaders)
  • options: see LoaderOptions.


  • Returns an async iterator that yields batches of data. The exact format for the batches depends on the loader object category.


  • The loaders parameter can also be ommitted, in which case any loaders previously registered with registerLoaders will be used.


A loader object, that can contain a mix of options:

  • options specific to loadInBatches, see below.
  • options defined by the parseInBatches and parse functions can be specified.
  • options specific to any loaders can also be specified (in loader specific sub-objects).

Please refer to the corresponding documentation page for for parse and for each loader for details.

options.ignoreUnknownFilesbooleantrueIgnores unknown files if multiple files are provided.