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WMS - Web Map Service


WMS (Web Map Service) is a protocol for serving geo-referenced map images over the internet. WMS was standardized in 1999 by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium).


WMS is not a single file format but rather a protocol, specifying a set of requests that the server should implement. Some WMS protocol requests return binary images, and some return metadata formatted as XML text responses.

WMS responses are typically XML encoded have a fairly detailed structure and some significant differences between versions exist, making it somewhat non-trivial to parse. Therefore when working with WMS it is typically useful to have access to well-tested parsers for each XML response type.


Map images

A WMS server usually serves the map in a bitmap format, e.g. PNG, GIF, JPEG. In addition, vector graphics can be included, such as points, lines, curves and text, expressed in SVG or WebCGM format. The MIME types of the GetMap request can be inspected in the response to the GetCapabilities request.

Rendering parameters can be supported by the WMS service. Perhaps the most significant one is the transparent parameter that renders transparent pixels where there is no data, allowing the generated map images to be overlaid with other


WMS Capabilities

The GetCapabilities request returns metadata about the WMS service.

XML TagJSON FieldJavaScript TypeDescription
<Version>version?stringVersion of the WMS service: '1.3.0', '1.1.1', '1.1.0' or '1.0.0'
<Name>namestringA human readable name for the service
<Title>title?stringA more extensive description of the service
<Keyword>keywordsstring[]A set of keywords e.g. for searching services
<AccessConstraints>accessConstraints?stringA field of unspecified format, describes any access constraints required to use the service.
<Fees>fees?stringA field of unspecified format, describes any fees required to use the service
<LayerLimit>layerLimit?numberIf present, the max number of layers that can be rendered by the service
<MaxWidth>maxWidth?numberIf present, the widest image that can be rendered by the service
<MaxHeight>maxHeight?numberIf present, the tallest image that can be rendered by the service
<Layerslayersobject[]Hierarchical list of layers.
<RequestsrequestsobjectInformation about supported WMS requests, specifically what MIME types they can return
<Exceptions>exceptions?objectInformation about any exceptions that the service will report (HTTP status != 2xx)
<ContactInfo>N/AobjectInformation about any exceptions that the service will report (HTTP status != 2xx)

Layers in the layers field inherit many properties from their parent layers, see description of individual props for details.

XML TagJSON FieldJavaScript TypeDescriptionInherited
<Title>titlestringThe title is a human readable name. It is mandatory on each layer.No
<Name>name?stringayer is renderable iff it has a name. Parent layers render all sublayers.No
<Abstract>abstract?stringA narrative description of the map layer.No
<Keywords>keywordsstring[]A set of keywords e.g. for searching layersNo
<EX_GeographicBoundingBox>geographicBoundingBox?[[w, s], [e, n]]1.3.0. Rough extents of layer data in lng/lat, avoids CRS calculations.Yes
<LngLatBoundingBox>geographicBoundingBox?[[w, s], [e, n]]1.1.1 Rough extents of layer data in lng/lat, avoids CRS calculations.Yes
<CRS>crs?string[]1.3.0 Supported CRS.Yes
<SRS>crs?string[]1.1.1 Supported CRS.Yes
<BoundingBox>boundingBoxes?object[]Bounding boxes in specific CRS:es
<Queryable>queryable?booleanWhether queries can be performed on the layer
<Opaque>opaque?booleanfalse if layer has no-data areas that can be display as transparent.
<Cascaded>cascaded?booleanThis layer is "forwarded" from another WMS server.
<Styles>styles?unknown[]A list of styles.
<Layers>layersobject[]Sublayers. These inherit crs, boundingBox etc (if not overridden)

A bounding box in the layer boundingBoxes field specifies the coordinate range for data in the layer, described in a specific CRS (coordinate reference system). No data is available outside this bounding box.

XML TagJSON FieldJavaScript TypeDescription
<CRS>crsstring1.3.0 CRS indicates the Layer CRS that applies to this bounding box.
<SRS>crsstring1.1.1 CRS indicates the Layer CRS that applies to this bounding box.
<BoundingBox>boundingBox[[w, s], [e, n]]indicates the limits of the bounding box using the axis units and order of the specified CRS.
<resx>xResolution?numberSpatial horizontal resolution of data in same units as bounding box
<resy>yResolution?numberSpatial vertical resolution of data in same units as bounding box

A WMS layer can support one or more additional data dimensions, such as time, elevation or dim_... that can be specified when querying the map.

XML TagJSON FieldTypeDescription
<Name>namestringname of dimension, dim_<name> is a valid parameter key for this layer
<Units>unitsstringTextual units for this dimensional axis
<UnitSymbol>unitSymbol?stringUnit symbol for this dimensional axis
<DefaultValue>defaultValue?stringDefault value. If a dimension lacks defaultValue, requests fail if no value is supplied
<MultipleValues>multipleValues?booleanCan multiple values of the dimension be requested?
<NearestValue>nearestValue?booleanWill nearest values will be substituted when out of range, if false exact values are required
<Current>current?booleanA special value "current" is supported, typically for time dimension
<Extent>extentstringText content indicating available values for dimension


  • The above tables are not intended to be an exhaustive description of OGC WMS Capabilities XML.
  • Some XML tags have additional nested tags or properties not described here, please refer directly to the OGC WMS standard if such details matter.
  • The "JSON Field" in the tables below is not part of the OGC WMS standard. It describes the JSON representation that the WMSCapabilitiesLoader outputs, and the type field represents JSON types.
  • The JSON representation is simpler, but similar to, the source XML. (camelCase instead of PascalCase etc).

Map Layers

A WMS service defines a number of layers representing data that can be rendered. A list of layers must be specified in the GetMap request. If no layers are requested, no map image will be produced and an error will be generated by the WMS service.

The GetCapabilities request returns a list of valid layers and metadata about them such as their name and description, which crs or coordinate reference systems they support, their bounding box, any sub layers etc.

Also note that WMS layers are organized in a hierarchy.

  • Only named layers (with name property) are renderable.
  • A named parent layer will render all renderable sublayers.
  • Sublayers inherit properties from the parent layers (refer to table above to see exactly which properties are inherited).
  • Layer intheritance is often used to reduce the size of the GetCapabilities XML response payload, as verbose information about bounding boxes, supported CRS etc can be specified once on a parent layer.

Without any apriori knowledge about a WMS server, the GetCapabilities request is the only way to discover valid layer names. Not that on the GetCapabilities request is sometimes slow (order of tens of seconds), meaning that it can take some time to auto-discover a valid layer name and then request a map with that layer. The GetMap request is often significantly faster than GetCapabilities.


WMS capability data may indicate that some layers support additional dimensions, typically time.

  • An optional dimension that can be queried using the dim_<name>=..., time=..., elevation=... parameters.
  • Note that layers that have at least one dimension without default value.
  • become unrenderable unless the dimension value is supplied to GetMap requests.
export type WMSDimension = {
name: string /** name of dimension, becomes a valid parameter key for this layer */;
units: string /** Textual units for this dimensional axis */;
unitSymbol?: string /** Unit symbol for this dimensional axis */;
defaultValue?: string /** Default value if no value is supplied. If dimension lacks defaultValue, requests fail if no value is supplied */;
multipleValues?: boolean /** Can multiple values of the dimension be requested? */;
nearestValue?: boolean /* Will nearest values will be substituted when out of range, if false exact values are required */;
current?: boolean /** A special value "current" is supported, typically for time dimension */;
extent: string /** Text content indicating available values for dimension */;

Note that some layers have a default value for the extra dimensions, meaning that they can be queried without specifying that dimension.

With the exception of time and elevation, the request parameter name is constructed by concatenating the prefix “dim_” with the sample dimension Name (the value of the name attribute of the corresponding <Dimension> and <Extent> elements in the Capabilities XML). The resulting “dim_name” is case-insensitive.

The use of the “dim_” prefix is to avoid clashes between server-defined dimension names and current or future OGC Web Service specifications. (Time and Elevation, being predefined, do not use the prefix.)

  • single value: for example: …&elevation=500&…
  • multiple values: for example: …&dim_text_dimension=first,second&…
  • single range value: for example: …&elevation=480/490&…
  • multiple range values: for example: …&elevation=480/490,490/500&…

WMS Requests

The WMS standard specifies protocol defined as a number of "request types" that a standards-compliant WMS server should support.

WMS supportDescription
GetCapabilitiesWMSCapabilitiesLoaderReturns WMS metadata (such as map image format and WMS version compatibility) and the available layers (map bounding box, coordinate reference systems, URI of the data and whether the layer is mostly opaque or not)
GetMapImageLoader]image_loaderreturns a map image. Parameters include: width and height of the map, coordinate reference system, rendering style, image format
GetFeatureInfoWMSFeatureInfoLoader]feature_info_loaderif a layer is marked as 'queryable' then you can request data about a coordinate of the map image.
DescribeLayergets feature types of the specified layer or layers, which can be further described using WFS or WCS requests. (Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Profile of WMS).
GetLegendGraphicImageLoader]image_loaderAn image of the map's legend, giving a visual guide to map elements.
ExceptionsWMSErrorLoaderParses an XML encoded WMS error response from any malformed request.


  • Information about which request types are supported is available in the response to GetCapabilities request.
  • Note that only the GetCapabilities and GetMap request types are are required to be supported by a WMS server.

Coordinate Reference Systems

WMS Protocol Versions

Several revisions of the WMS standard have been published by the OGC. It is notable that there are some breaking, non-backwards compatible changes. Taking care of these differences on behalf of the application is normally goal of libraries that provide WMS support.


Version 1.3.0 of the WMS standard was released in January 2004

  • Use CRS instead of SRS parameter for 1.3.0

  • The order of parameters for BBOX (in v1.3.0 only) depends on whether the CRS definition has flipped axes. You will see this in the GetCapabilities request at 1.3.0 - the response should show the flipped axes.

    • BBOX=xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax NON-FLIPPED
    • BBOX=ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax FLIPPED
    • EPSG:4326 needs to have flipped axes. 4326 1 WGS 84 Latitude North Longitude East
  • EPSG:4326 is wrongly defined in v1.1.1 as having long/lat coordinate axes. In WMS 1.3.0 the correct axes lat/long are used.

  • CRS:84 was introduced with the publication of the WMS 1.3.0 specification, to overcome the breaking change of EPSG:4326 in WMS 1.1.1

  • CRS:84 is defined by OGC as having the same datum as EPSG:4326 (that is the World Geodetic System 1984 datum ~ EPSG::6326) but axis order of long/lat.

The above information is mainly based on the following stackexchange notes.


Released in January 2002

  • Use SRS instead of CRS parameter for 1.1.1
  • In WMS 1.1.1 EPSG:4326 is wrongly defined as having long/lat coordinate axes. See v1.3.0 documentation for details.


Released in June 2001

Not tested / not officially supported.


Released in April 2000.

Not tested / not officially supported.


A number of commercial and open services implement WMS support

GeoServer is a major open source server with support for serving WMS images.

Vendor parameters

A specific server implementation often supports additional vendor specific parameters, e.g GeoServer

Example Services

There are a number of public services

NameService URLDescription
OpenStreetMap WMS rendered, updated weekly, covering the entire globe. Copyright OpenStreetMap.
NOAA Composite Reflectivity WMS precipitation data covering the contiguous US. Quality Controlled 1km x 1km CONUS Radar Composite Reflectivity. This data is provided Multi-Radar-Multi-Sensor (MRMS) algorithm.
NASA Global Imagery Browse Services for EOSDIS 1,000 NASA satellite imagery products, covering every part of the world. Most imagery is updated daily—available within a few hours after satellite observation, and some products span almost 30 years.